Monday, December 10, 2007

Looks Like a White Christmas!

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful..." We have been getting hit with snow and ice since last week and there is more coming tonight. While it wouldn't be a terrible thing if we didn't have to get out in it, it is rather ookie if you have to drive anywhere. We had freezing drizzle Saturday, so that kept us home. Yesterday, we ventured to Grand Island late morning as I had errands that wouldn't wait any longer, and we were surprised that people were as cautious as they were. There were still a few ninnies driving faster and crazier than they should have. I got some more Christmas shopping done, and did my cards last night. Tonight laundry folding, and we are going to do a trial run on our table set up for the craft show coming on Saturday. Santa will be putting in his appearance before we know it! From everyone I have talked to, desperation to get done is starting to set in, so hopefully beaded items will be a high priority for the gift lists come Saturday!

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