Once I learned how to do the rings, they just kept making themselves! This is the one I made for my 16 yr old niece
Caitlyn. It has an 8mm crystal with crystal dangles coming out of it.

This is the one I made for my sister-in-law Cheryl. It has a brown mix with
copperish stripes and then I used lentil drilled beads and then made fringes around them with
Swarovski crystals on the ends of the fringe. I REALLY love this one, and so did Cheryl!

This is the one I made for my mom. It is very similar to the first one I made and has the flower with the fringe coming out. It used mint green ab 11s as the base.

I also made one for my 4 yr old niece Creighton, in a fun tropical mix of reds, yellows, and oranges, with a 4mm
czech fire polished bead laying down as its "gem". I didn't get a picture of that one unless
Caitlyn reads this and emails me a picture of it! Well, I think I will go make some more rings! Very addictive, and a quick project too! Great, just what I need~another addiction! That makes the list, video games, movies, books, seed beads, and now seed bead rings!
I love the color combinations!
Thanks Carla, they really had fun playing in my seed beads making the "perfect" combinations for each of them.
Fun! Fun! Fun! Boy, I could get addicted on these. Just might have to use it as a reward to motivate me to get my piles of income tax paperwork properly filed later today!
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