Thursday, July 14, 2011

More Titanic


Yesterday, I revealed my passion for all things Titanic.  I think my fascination with the details of the tragedy stem from time in High School Drama class and a play about a group of women on the Titanic.  It started out with the women happy, drinking (we used ice tea in tumblers to look like whiskey),  chatting and as time went, the reality of the iceberg and the inevitable sinking sat in and changed the tone of the play.  We dressed up in long dresses and shawls.  The play got to go to State Speech Contest, and we did well for what I remember.  Mostly, I remember the ice tea trick and changing into our costumes in a broom closet!  I also did an entertaining speech from an Erma Bombeck passage, I was so nervous!

Anyway, after showing the items from the hopemore shop, I searched for a few others.  Here are the ones I really liked:
How many of those days have we had?  LOTS!
This is very funny and I would have never thought of that!  I am very careful about Karma though...
I think these are very interesting.  I love the whimsical feel of the butterfly design combined with the pictures from the Titanic.
Aren't the details of this dress lovely?  So delicate and wispy!
This gal has some very interesting pieces.  She makes dollhouse furnishings and miniatures.  These are designed to lie on a table or desk in the dollhouse.   Miniature postcards, tickets, photos of before and after the sinking, and news clippings.  All VERY tiny and detailed.  AMAZING!  In her bio, she says that her grandparents were dollhouse builders and she does this in honor of them.  How Awesome!

1 comment:

Carla said...

ooooh! neat stuff! :)

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