Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Goals Update...

I posted my goals for 2010, and I wanted to update.  We (Chris, Mina, and I) have been dilligently working through the mess in our house.  I have been trying to do something every day (some days more successful than others), and Chris has been working along side to help where he can.  Mina helped me sort off my bead board from fall and Christmas beading and I was so grateful I paid her!  I have been entertained by Etsy for many hours of browsing, looking at ideas, supplies, and the REALLY weird stuff you can find on there (or check out the site called regretsy.com for a shorter list).  Lately, I have been browsing through "destash" items.  A great concept, pass on things you won't use, make a bit of money off them, and declutter your workspace!  I purchased a "destash" package from one of my favorite artists on etsy you can check her out here.  I paid $19 for a big bag of treasure!  All sorts of things, jump rings (silver and colored), wire, chains, pieces of her artwork, beads, pearls, etc!  I am so excited to play, and I will post a picture when I get stuff out to play with it.  I also purchased some Czech glass mixes from this Etsy store.  Also some Toho Hybrid seed beads that are really interesting in the finish.  I am working on organizing, catching up at work, bookwork for the business, and just trying to be healthy.  Haven't been feeling great, not sleeping well either.  Working on that by getting to bed earlier and taking a prescription that I have to help get to sleep, and using my light box to help with regulating my body.  I am still a work in progress, and there has been progress!  Check back soon for new beads and things from Chris.  He got new frit assortments in the mail today!

1 comment:

Leslie Lemke said...

Keep up the good work on organizing and being productive in the house, it does make a person feel good inside when these habits are followed through. Have a wonderful day!
Blessings & Hugz~

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