Friday, April 8, 2011


Last weekend I learned something new, and now I see and hear it everywhere.  I wanted to share my new found knowledge with you!
M is for Mina (from Mina's Zentangle sketchpad)
While we were at the Grand Island Bead Bazaar last weekend, Jodie Marshall was doing Zentangle in between waiting on customers.  When Mina arrived after her band contest, she was BORED (shocking, huh?), so Chris took her to Hobby Lobby for a sketch pad.  Jodie showed her what she was doing and Mina took to it instantly.  We ordered some books for her when we got home and I have been hitting the web searching for info since.  Fascinating time filler and "mind yoga" as one site described it.  Here is some of the info from the Zentangle website.  Want to know more or see examples, just click the Zentangle word to go to the home page.
What is it?
Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well being. Zentangle is enjoyed by a wide range of skills and ages and is used in many fields of interest. 
How did it start?
One day, Maria told Rick what she experienced as she drew background patterns on a manuscript she was creating. She described her feelings of timelessness, freedom and well-being and complete focus on what she was doing with no thought or worry about anything else.
"You're describing meditation," Rick said.
Rick and Maria wondered if they could create a simple system so others might enjoy a similar experience. And so began the journey towards discovering this simple and elegant system called Zentangle.
Little did they know then that it would grow this quickly and touch as many lives in as many ways as it has. 
How do you do it?
When you create a Zentangle, you create a beautiful piece of art. You also can deliberately create a mood, a focus, a state of mind.
Creating a Zentangle is an easy to understand process of simple deliberate strokes which build on each other in beautiful, mesmerizing and surprising ways. We have put together our Zentangle Kit which is an ideal way to learn or share this Zentangle process with others.
For groups interested in learning how to Zentangle we offer seminars.

Now that I have given you some info on it, here are some fabulous examples I found on Etsy:

Note cards from WannaTangle
 I have even played around with it, but I am not used to drawing with permanent pens instead of pencils.  You are not allowed to erase, so there you have it.  If you need a smiley face doodle, I am your gal!  More complicated and I will refer you to my talented daughter!  Mina is great at doing visual drawings (recreating what she sees).  I will post more of her pics after she practices a bit more and plays around with her new books!

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